Apple‘s new OS X Lion might not be everyone’s cup of tea but one thing has to be said: it’s more secure.
We all saw what happened a couple of months ago with the MacDefender malware that was terrorizing Mac users all around. In the future, unfortunately, we’ll see that happening more often.
Apple’s Mac Apple Store is already a very good “firewall”. Digitally downloading the OS and possibly the apps from the App Store, will already create a barrier for viruses.
Apple’s Lion uses some very modern security techniques and researcher are claiming this puts them ahead of Windows 7 and Linux Ubuntu. Apple is finally offering an operating system with a state-of-the-art security protections that make it more resistant to malware exploits and other hack attacks, two researchers say.
The most important addition is the full ASLR (address space layout randomization). “The protection makes it much harder for attackers to exploit bugs by regularly changing the memory location where shell code and other system components are loaded” explained Dino Dai Zovi, principal of security consultancy Trail of Bits and the coauthor of The Mac Hacker’s Handbook.
The other important improvement include security sandboxes that tightly restrict the way applications can interact with other parts of the operating system and full disk encryption that doesn’t interfere with other OS features.
Well done Apple. Personally i think Lion is still a bit too buggy, but in a few months, after Apple’s bug disinfestation, we can talk again.
(Source: The Register)
July 21, 2011