Today’s computers’ processors are fast but thanks to a new 3M and IBM discovery, soon we may have chips 1,000 times faster.
The secret ingredient? Glue.
3M has developed an adhesive capable of dissipating heat so efficiently that IBM came up with the idea of stacking layers upon layers of chips, held together by the new cool-glue, to create silicon “towers” up to 100 layers high.
IBM would be supplying the silicon expertise and its microprocessors while 3M will take care of the super-cool adhesive. This new way of assembling chips will be available not only to computers but to smartphones, tablets and to anything that uses microprocessors.
With data processing speeds that could be 1,000 times faster than today’s computers, this new technology would open a window onto an entire new computing dimension. Imagine having instant-on computers for example!
“By the end of 2013 it should go into production. It’ll show up on servers first, and then a year after that consumers might see it.” said IBM’s media relations manager Michael Corrado.
(Via: Mashable)
September 11, 2011