It’s probably widely accepted that the Japanese on the whole show a lot more discipline than the rest of us probably do. Part of that could be attributed to the fact failure there has traditionally met with some harsh consequences. Who better, then, to think up an alarm that posts embarrassing tweets every time you hit the snooze button on your alarm?
The free app is called OKITE, and each time you hit snooze, the app will send a random, weird, embarrassing tweet to everyone following you. We wrote about another “merciless alarm” several weeks ago, but it just punished and harassed you, and probably wouldn’t embarrass you unless someone else was watching you try to outsmart it or ignore it. Unless you add an option to OKITE to put in your own custom text, your followers will probably just wonder, though, if you’re traveling in Japan or maybe had your account hijacked, since the phrases show up in Japanese in the tweets. Still, it looks like a good idea, so download the app and make waking up a little more fun than usual, if not for you, then at least for your Twitter followers.
Note: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.3 or later.
(Via: Lifehacker)
October 1, 2011
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