Restore iPhone 3GS with 06.15 baseband to stock iOS 4.3.5 with redsn0w 0.9.8b7c

September 6, 2011


The Dev-Team has quietly released on Tuesday an update for its jailbreaking tool redsn0w.cydia-iphone

The new redsn0w 0.9.8b7c for Mac and Windows has a great new feature that will make a lot of jailbreakers happy.

iPhone 3GS owners with iPad baseband 06.15.00 can now use this latest redsn0w version to restore the iPhone to the stock iOS 4.3.5.

As posted by the Dev-Team on their blog, this version of “redsn0w has a built-in fixrecovery that will get you past the Error 1015 you’ll see when you try to restore to the stock 4.3.5 IPSW with a 06.15 baseband”

Note that this will works only with 3GS iPhones that have been previously jailbroken with iPad baseband.

Once you’ve restored to 4.3.5 IPSW, you can simply run redsn0w 0.9.8b7c to jailbreak the device.


, , , , iPhone 3GS, iPhone Dev Team, ,
  • Dil

    hi there, i tried this solution, everything went fine, but my iPhone 3gs keeps loading at apple logo.

    • Silversurfer

      try holding the home and power buttons together until you see the apple logo and only then release them both.

  • Dil

    i did but its doing there any solution to it?

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