Jailbreak iPhone 4, iPad, iPod with Sn0breeze 2.7.1 [Tutorial]

May 8, 2011


Sn0wbreeze 2.7.1 for Windows users to fully jailbreak iOS 4.3.3 untethered running on iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad (1st-gen) and iPod touch. Unfortunately the iPad 2 is not supported yet. Sn0breeze 2.7.1 has been released to fix iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS silent, mute button, vibration issues after JB.

Before you start you’ll need the following

  • Plug your device into iTunes and upgrade or restore to iOS 4.3.3
  • Download iOS 4.3.3 from this location
  • Download Sn0breeze 2.7.1 for Win
  • Download iTunes 10.2.2 for Win HERE

1. Launch Sn0breeze and click the blue arrow.

2. Drop your iOS 4.3.3 IPSW, that you’ve downloaded, in the box and the IPSW will be verified.sn0breeze screen shot 1

3. Click Detect it for Me. Click the blue arrow

4. Now select the Expert Mode


5. Select the Custom Boot logo if you want it

6. Highlight BUILD ISPW and next

buils ipsw

7. Sn0breeze will ask you if you want to play Pacman while building your Custom IPSW: your choice!

8. Sit back and wait for your Custom IPSW to be built

sn0wbreeze building

9. Once done, Click OK to follow the on-screen instructions to put your iPhone in Restorable state

10. Turn off the device. Press HOME and POWER buttons together and hold them for 10 seconds

sn0breeze 2

11. Release the POWER button but keep holding HOME button for another 10 seconds

12. You have successfully enter DFU mode.


NOW YOU NEED TO RESTORE YOUR iPhone using the Custom ISPW that you’ll see on the desktop

1. This is the easiest part. Launch iTunes and your iPhone in DFU mode will be detected. Click OK

2. Now press and hold Left Shift button on the keyboard and then click on Restore if you are restoring on a PC, or Command+ Restore if you are restoring on a Mac. This will make iTunes prompt you to select the location for your custom firmware 4.3.3 file (should be on your desktop). Select the required custom.ipsw file that you created above, and click on Open

itunes restore iphone

If you get an error 3194 read this tutorial

FINALLY if you rely on carrier unlock, follow this tutorial to unlock your iPhone with Ultrasn0w 1.2.3





, , , , , sn0breeze
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  • Ish

    Hi, I have an iPhone 3GS, 05.11.07, running on ios 3.1.2, jailbroken with Blackra1n and unlocked with Blacksnow.

    I wanted to update to 4.3.3 so I downloaded snowbreeze 2.7, the required ipsw and iTunes 10.3. Got through the snowbreeze jailbreaking process, got a custom ipsw file sn0wbreeze_iPhone 3GS-4.3.3 and then proceeded to using iTunes to restore. Got through that too, snowbreeze logo and completed bar showing ios installed. After that got the message that I should keep my phone connected and that it would restart. But after restart, it goes to recovery mode. So I tried restore again but now iTunes shows error 1600. Done the whole cycle twice. I think I’m stuck in the recovery loop. Please help! My iphone screen is blank or rather black, almost like it won’t power on.

    • silversurfer

      Hi Ishaan, you didn’t tell me if you are using a PC or Mac. I’m assuming PC but let me know. disconnect the phone from the computer then navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\your-user-name\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates. You will see one or more files. Cut and paste them somewhere else. Do not delete them in case the steps does not work for you, you can still copy them back to the folder. If somehow you cannot find the folder, you are probably in the wrong user directory.
      Download iReb and run it.
      Launch iTunes and put your iPhone in recovery mode. (hold home and power for 10 sec, let go power still holding home for 10 seconds)
      Proceed with installing the iOS.

      • Ish


        Thanks a lot for your reply.

        Yes, I’m using Windows OS, Win 7 to be specific.

        Got this folder C:\Users\…\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes. It’s got ‘iPhone updater logs’ folder and lots of notepad files in it. Should I move them? Also, C:\Users\hp\AppData\local and C:\Users\hp\AppData\local low have Apple Computer/iTunes folder but nothing related to the iPhone in them.

        Thanks a lot for your help.

        • silversurfer


          you are in the right location but you need to “Show hidden files” and you’ll find

          Users\…\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPhone Software Updates

          • Ish


            Thanks but ‘show hidden files’ is on in my folder options; still I don’t have the iPhone software updates folder.

            Also, I think the problem is that after putting the iPhone in Pwned DFU mode and restoring ios 4.3.3 via iTunes, when my iPhone restarts it goes into normal DFU mode (Can’t be normal recovery mode because I don’t see the apple and connect to iTunes logo on screen) and iTunes says that my phone is in recovery mode.

            While I was running snowbreeze I selected ‘detect bootroom’ option which asked to me put the iPhone in normal DFU mode. I did so but snowbreeze showed an error so I anyway selected old bootroom (05.11.07 baseband) and proceeded to build the ipsw. Could this be the reason? What is the solution?

            Thanks a ton for your help.

  • silversurfer

    No worries, try this: plug the phone to the Pc, run iREb then in iTunes Restore the iPhone. If you have the IPSW 4.3.3, hold the left Shift key and click Restore. Point iTunes to the IPSW location.
    Once the phone is back to normal, download and run iF0recast to find out if you have old or new bootrom.

    • Ish

      Oops I made a very silly error! My iPhone actually has NEW bootrom! Just detected it on snowbreeze! Thanks for your help!

      Btw, can I restore my iPhone through an apple ipsw (not custom ipsw as created by snowbreeze) if I rely on sim unlock?

      • silversurfer

        no…it has to be jailbroken to use ultrasn0w (for unlocking) which is a cydia application.

        if you have another computer in the house, once you’ve created the custom IPSW, use the other computer to restore the iPhone with the custom IPSW

        • Ish

          No what I meant was that if I restore through Apple ipsw won’t it upgrade my baseband and thus prevent me from unlocking it?

          Anyway, My iPhone’s now running 4.3.3! Finally! Thanks a lot.

          • silversurfer

            You have to use TinyUmbrella to preserve your SHSH.

            Glad it worked…


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